peripheral video | en

"Les terra's di nadie", “Nobody’s land” in 5 languages in one only phrase (French, Portuguese, English, Italian and Spanish) is a non-place where violence and oppression rules. The words of the Chilean poet Antonio Arévalo melt September the 11th 1973 in Chile and March 31rt 1964 in Brazil. The extracts of the memories and original images goes through time, adding, overlapping, subtracting, suggesting and converging in one only History. An opportunity to live again the same feelings, to hear and to see one of the most obscure pages of recent history in the New World.

"Les terra's di nadie" is a video that has the main focus on history and language issues. On one side the production and manipulation of images in social contexts in Chile 1973’s and Brazil 1964-68’s pointing the concept of political edge and public perception. On the other side the interaction with an individual edge and a very intimate perception of history: the inner images created by the sounds of Arévalo’s words based on a real story: an encounter between the poet and his father, a Chilean syndicate leader, that never happened because he was arrested by Pinochet’s forces, and he will never see him again. Arévalo after that went on exile to Italy so far. The tree dimension of the video is build up starting from these two edges: between identity and memory, communication and lack of information, digital and analogical images, human and computer like, here and there, past and present, Latin America and Europe, the North and South hemispheres. This non-place is created also by mixing of the 5 languages me and Arévalo speak and a range of technical supports: traditional and new technologies, and isolating frames of reality to be re-elaborated in a new context.

PLAY FORWARD > DREAMS AND NIGHTMARES_ a selection of Italian experimental videos at the 60th Locarno International Film Festival by Bruno Di Marino At the junction of cinema, video art and all the other arts, resolutely facing the future, Play Forward is the privileged look-out post on all kinds of contemporary audiovisual experimentation. Open to all formats, running times, and digital technologies, this section, created in collaboration with Harald Szeeman, followed by Francesco Bonami, assembles a line-up of powerful and remarkable work, sometimes extreme in form and/or content. (…) Real nightmares of the past florish again in a poetic way in the video “Les terra’s di nadie” by César Meneghetti – Brazilian/Italian film-maker and videoartist that for a long time lives and works in Rome – the ghosts of 1964’s Brazilian and 1973’s Chilean Coup d’Etats superimpose one each other towards an ellaboration of archive footage and new images mixed in 5 different languages creating an astonishing textual and visual Babel.

Creative Commons License
Les Terra's di nadie by César Meneghetti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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